Thursday, December 29, 2011

Super mom's rest

Lately, I have been a super mom - particularly since our longtime maid left the job. I'm gearing to officially go back to work just after the New Year. And the work has been trickling in. With house, kids and the work to take care, hectic days have continued.

But it's time for rest. The New Year just around corner, I will temporary stop working (at least office work) and enjoy the days.

A friend of Mango, who is just 10 days younger than him, has come to spend the day with us today. Little people seem to have their own language which we are only able to partially understand. Since their birthdays are so close, we are planning to celebrate in picnic style just after the New Year.

Tomorrow, a friend of mine who is on her way to Japan is making a stopover in Delhi. We are seeing each other after a few years and I'm very excited about her brief visit.
And we are going to spend the New Year's eve and the New Year Japanese style. Will have soba on New Year's eve, although it will probably become udon since that's what Mayur prefers. Have planned for a small New Year feast as well.

Oh, thinking of all these things coming up, I have to get going now...

Wish everyone a very happy New Year!

Thursday, December 22, 2011






Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A hectic month

The life has been hectic... and the chore of blog update impossible.

To make a long story short, our house has been out of order last one month. At the end of our trip to Kerala, my mother-in-law decided to come to Delhi with us. She is a diabetic patient and soon after coming to Delhi, she got really sick. Got admitted into a hospital. And the same day, Mayur comes down with fever which turned out to be Dengu. Within a week of recovering from Dengu, Mayur now had viral fever. And being buddy-buddy sister and brother, Mango also had a day of fever.

Illness was not the only thing that kept me and my hubby going nuts - one of our toilet flush breaks down, leakage from water pipe made our recently painted bedroom wall crumble...

Last one month has been simply crazy. But good changes also came inbetween.

Mango's bottom two front teeth came out, occasionally making us scream when he gets excited and bite us. He also began to dance by bobbing his body up and down or side to side whenever there is music. We have been also out in Lodhi Garden with mom-in-law to enjoy the short spell of great weather here in Delhi.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dastkar Bazaar


さて、そんな忙しいなか、デリーは涼しくなり一年で一番過ごしやすい季節を迎えております。この季節、フェスティバルの季節でもあり、お買物の季節でもあります。デリーの秋のお買物と言えば「Dastkar Bazaar」でございます。Dastkar BazaarはDastkarというNGOが主催するハンディクラフトのフェア。生産者はインド各地から集まり、売られているものも様々。手織りのストールやアクセサリー、加工食品、コスメ、家具などなどハンディクラフト好きにはたまりません。

というわけで、Daskar Bazaar に行って参りました。何をゲットしたかというと、、、

Sukriti Inprint という手すき紙を使った商品を生産するグループのバスケット型の箱。模様が気に入って買いました。


この他にも定番のAarohi というグループが生産するアプリコットオイル、ジャム、ビース細工の花などを購入しました。Aarohi の生産地であるヒマラヤ山脈の村は以前、活動を視察するのに訪問したことがあります。Aarohi のお話はまたそのうちブログに書きたいと思います。

Dastkar Bazaar 、次回は来年2月の開催予定です。

Friday, September 30, 2011

Who am I?

When Mango was born, the first thing my husband and I said looking at him was "it's Mayur..." because the two of them really looked alike. Mango is now almost 9 months and now looks different from how Mayur was at that age. But still, people see them and say that they do really look alike.

So, can you guess which of these photos are of Mayur and which are of Mango?

Photo A

Photo B

Photo C

Photo D

Photo E

The answers:
Photo A - Mayur
Photo B - Mango
Photo C - Mango
Photo D - Mayur
Photo E - Mayur

Friday, September 16, 2011









Thursday, September 8, 2011


Mango君が生後5ヶ月になった頃から離乳食を始めた。市販のベビーフードが乏しいインドで何を食べさせているかというと、ragi(ラギ)である。ラギとはFinger milletのこと。日本語では四国稗と言うらしいので、ひえの一種である。インド原産であるようだが、南アフリカでも見かけた穀物である。





Friday, September 2, 2011





I started making the handbag last year. It's made out of my old Punjabi suit (Indian dress) by cutting the cloth into long strip and then knitted. The bag was kept incomplete since I couldn't find a good handle for it. Went looking for the bag handle in a few places in Delhi, but none of them were decent. Finally bought one in Japan during our last visit there.

I also made a small purse for Mayur using left over cloth from another dress. This is "recycle" handicrafts and can utilize really till the last piece of cloth.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ten rupee coins

Sometime back, the circulation of ten rupee coins started in India. It is the first time ten rupee coins are made and circulated. I think it is symbolic to the growth of the nation, and what's more, it would be one of the catalysts to changing consumer mindset in the country.

Actually for the last couple of years, the Indian masses began to do away with 25 paisa and 50 paisa coins since nothing cost so small anymore. Of course, it's mostly due to inflation such small coins matter no more to the people, and hence ten rupee enters into coinage. But the introduction of ten rupee in coins in the market also alters the people's attitude towards amount of "ten rupees" as smaller than before, just because it is a coin, not a note!

This change in perception of ten rupees will further alter the way people, especially the poor, purchase things. Ten rupee is not expensive anymore. A small tetrapack mango juice and bag of potato chips can be now purchased in one coin, without making consumer feel they are spending too much.

The other side of the coin of this phenomenon is that things like a packet of Parle-G biscuits that cost only Rs. 5 today, can drive up its price to meet the pressure from inflation.

In any case, ten rupee coins are still rare. I had it in my wallet a few days ago, not sure where it went...

Sunday, August 28, 2011






Tuesday, August 23, 2011




Friday, August 19, 2011

Woolen Cap


The woolen cap is my first creation after coming back from the long vacation. Picked up my mother's left over wool collection and that's what you get after 2 hours of effort. This one is specifically made for Mayur, hence the ribbon and the flower. She really loves and is waiting for the winter to come. We thought of making another one for me so we can wear them together. But I have gotten into making something else now...

Thursday, August 18, 2011





(© Rajasthan Talkies)


Wednesday, August 17, 2011




For the purpose of naming my children in the blog, I've decided to call my daughter Mayur (meaning peacock in Hindi) and my son Mango. For those of you who know their real names, you agree with me that they resemble these things.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011



For last one year or so, I wanted to start my own blog. Since I took early maternity leave, I thought I would have enough time to start the blog. The time went too fast and my son is already seven months. But it's never too late, right? Not sure how far I can go with this blog, but let me go as far as I can...